

hello & welcome to my little corner of the web. I’m Lauren, and I love life. I married my sweetheart this past June, and it was 100% the greatest choice of my life. He’s the cutest and I love him.



Interests: Reading, creating [mediums: doodles, calligraphy, painting & sewing], cooking with my husband, old movies, board games, and music.

A brief life history: I grew up in a military family, went to Brigham Young University studying music & education. I paid my way through college teaching violin lessons. Last year I taught 3rd grade, and this year I am an elementary music teacher. Kaleb & I met while studying at BYU. We were in the same ward and were both called to be Family History co-chairs (I may have put in a special request for him to be my co-chair). After 2ish years of dating, we tied the knot on June 30th. He finishes his undergrad in December and I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in early childhood education.

I am a dedicated introvert and welcome you here with the warmest digital embrace (Hi, mom!).