
Welcome Back

Hey, everyone. Long time, no see! We have been so busy around here with our sweet little baby boy, who made his way into the world last March. It’s so hard to believe that it’s been an entire year with our little Reuben. He is heaven on earth, the sweetest first baby we could have ever hoped for. He has brought so much love into our family, and we are just head over heels crazy about him.

Our first meeting

Our first meeting

Little Roo

Little Roo

Motherhood has been wonderful, but has certainly not been without its challenges. I unfortunately had a very traumatic birthing experience, and that, coupled with some breastfeeding problems drove me into the dark world of postpartum psychosis. I want to dive more into my experiences in a future post where I can describe my journey in full. I feel like there is so much power in women sharing their experiences, learning from each other, and rallying each other. Before I move on, I just want to tell you that if you are that woman, that mother, that person that is experiencing hardship, experiencing darkness, there is hope. There are people that love you, and will listen to you. There are resources available, and there will be light again. I had so many moments when I screamed that this wasn’t true–at least, not for me. But still, the light came back. Slowly. So agonizingly slowly. But it came.

Happy Roo

Happy Roo

Because of the dark experiences of this past year, I put a lot of my creativity on the back burner. I was truly in survival mode those first few months (literally trying to physically and emotionally survive). However, I slowly started to find myself again, and I feel like I am now in a place where I can start to create again, which feels like pure magic. And I am also ready to start sharing again. My refiner’s fire of this past year has helped me to etch away at my interests and find the vision of what I want this blog to be about as I dust the cobwebs off and get ready to start writing again.

I’ve always felt like I have way too many hobbies. Jack of all trades, master of none. But this year, which has required me to drop so many things off of my plate, has helped me decide which hobbies to kind of keep to myself and develop in private, and which hobbies I should continue to teach and share in public spaces. And if I’m being completely honest, this list is still evolving! I’m sure it will go through many iterations, and change again. But for now, here’s what I’m planning on sharing. This might seem random to you, but hey! This is me!

  • Children’s activities, songs, and printables
  • Parenting and Child Development
  • DIY (especially eco-friendly DIYs)
  • Recipes
  • Printable Art

So what is the lovely little life? The persuit of creativity, the search for knowledge and understanding, and the cultivation of a warm and loving family environment and home.

Welcome back, friends!